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Web Survey Bibliography

Title Leveraging Interactive Web-Based Reporting Systems – Can It Provide A Competitive Advantage for Your Organization?
Author Zalesky, C.
Year 2001
Access date 22.04.2004
Abstract As access to information has exploded, demand for it has increased at all organizational levels. This increased access to information provides the marketing research department the opportunity to a strategic portal to the organization where managers can evaluate their current improvement and understand areas of focus for future success. ConsumerMetrics will demonstrate their interactive web-based reporting system that was developed to help the marketing organization translate information into learnings and actions. Users from every level of the company can measure their improvement on a customized basis. Then, they can choose from a variety of web tools that help them identify areas of focus, understand the voice of their customer, and select initiatives that will improve performance, sales, share, account retention or revenue growth. Senior management can select from their own secure list of tools to measure regional and corporate improvements and begin to focus on new company-wide initiatives.Attendees of the presentation will be able to evaluate whether or not a web-based reporting system would provide them with a competitive advantage. CMI will highlight examples of organizations where web-reporting systems have been successfully implemented.
Year of publication2001
Bibliographic typeConferences, workshops, tutorials, presentations

Web survey bibliography (4086)
